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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of international private business self-regulation which aims to contribute to social goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in, with, or supporting professional service volunteering through pro bono programs, community development, administering monetary grants to non-profit organizations for the public benefit, or to conduct ethically oriented business and investment practices.” Wikipedia

“A social inequality is a difference in access to rare and valued social resources – the word “resources” being understood in the broadest sense - including all possibilities of human action: political, economic, cultural, social, sexual, etc. Social inequalities are therefore the result of an unequal distribution of resources within a society.” Wikipedia, translated from the French page.


We have focused on social inequalities both locally (our neighbourhoods in Fribourg) and internationally (K'echene, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Our support is not only financial, but is accompanied by voluntary work within the associations, a long-term commitment by the company owners.

Quartier Libre, Fribourg

The Schönberg neighbourhood has some 9,300 inhabitants (2022) of more than 100 nationalities. The proportion of foreigners is around 50%. Most of the children who take part in our monthly activities come from immigrant families.

Quartier Libre team leaders at Schönberg, Fribourg, in June 2023 (we are not showing any photo of the children for reasons of protection of minors)


Quartier Libre team leaders want to serve the neighbourhood by reaching out to children and fostering a positive social climate.

Our ambition is to work on children's emotional intelligence (their character), so as to help them succeed in their future lives, and in particular to equip them for the often difficult period of adolescence. We want to help children to bounce back positively in life (resilience), despite its difficulties.

To achieve this, we want to offer children relationships where they feel heard and supported. We want children to feel unconditionally loved whatever they do... We want to help them find meaning in their lives. To teach them new skills through a variety of activities and, finally, to cultivate a sense of humour.

Under no circumstances do we want to replace parental authority; on the contrary, we would like to be the parents’ partners and listen to their concerns.

Quartier Libre's main aim is to reach out to children where they live, learn and play by offering a monthly children’s program and prevention work based on Christian values.

Quartier Libre

Bright Future Switzerland & Ethiopia

The slum of K'echene is located north of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, at an altitude of around 2,500 - 2,600 metres. Access to schooling, healthcare and sufficient food are major challenges for these children from poor families.

Bright Future Ethiopia, a sister association made up of local leaders, has been providing support for these vulnerable children, many of whom are orphans, for some twenty years, focusing on 4 areas.

Thanks to our regular visits to Ethiopia, we are able to see for ourselves how the situation of beneficiaries is improving, provide financial support for the project, monitor the proper management of strategic areas and support the local team in a friendly manner.

The company's partners and some children in front of Bright Future Ethiopia's head office

A tutorial class with a teacher and Annette von Lerber

J.-J. Nyffenegger trying to understand schoolwork

A. von Lerber in the home of a beneficiary woman and children (all photos published with consent)


  1. Education

We consider education to be one of the most important ways out of poverty. We cover all the costs of the children’s schooling. The children usually attend state schools. In classes of up to one hundred children learning by rote, only moderately successful learning outcomes can be expected. So one of our focuses at Bright Future is on providing additional lessons and extra tuition at our own premises every day, outside normal school hours.

  1. Nutrition

Learning on a full stomach in school: we support the children and their families by giving them basic foods. Parents and guardians receive food and hygiene products every three months. This is a small contribution towards easing the daily challenge of work and providing food.

  1. Health

We provide basic medical care and educate the children and their families about hygiene. It is often the lack of personal hygiene that causes poor health in children. We work alongside local hospitals and doctors for the treatment of more serious illnesses.

  1. Family

The children at Bright Future are supported within their own families. Families come in all different shapes and sizes and often have to learn how to take care of their children. Education levels are very low in the K’echene slum. Many family members can’t read or write. We use simple methods to try and involve the families in their children’s development. Families are trained and coached by social workers.

bright future